Stella Morounmubo Moroundia Oyedepo

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She lived a mission to outdo all expectations and get more done in less time because no one knew the hour or day. Her relationship with God was practical and evident in her daily living. She was an action-prone consistent doer, painstakingly detailed, tireless, indefatigable, a realist, radical, peace-broker, humble, prudent, subtle but most powerful; the tiniest amongst us in frame and yet the mightiest. Nothing and no one could slow Stella down. She took on more and more and yet displayed supernatural capacity for much more. She understood by books, explored the deep creative insights of God, dreamt dreams, saw visions, wrote visions and ran an amazing race.


The greatest of Her Time

Stella Morounmubo Moroundia Akinrodemi was born on May 07, 1949 in Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria to the family of Florence and Francis Adebayo Akinrodemi of Idanre, Ondo State, Nigeria.  She grew up in a family of 4 girls and 2 boys.  It was a family close knitted in gruesome hardship and the struggle to survive due to the painful loss of their young Father when Stella was 16.  Forced into early adulthood, little did she realize that God was at work in her to refine her as silver is refined and test her as gold is tested so that He could bring her to a place of abundance.

Photo by Dele Oyedepo (

" The miracle, Stella, is indeed a Creation of God Himself, we behold this splendid work of God and declare with God; beautiful, good, excellent in every way and pleasing to God; well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!"



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